Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Favorite James Hillman Quotations

"As time goes on, the mounting tragedy over what happens in life means in part what God, fate, and circumstances have brought about, but more it means what happens in our relationships with other people. Here we believe ourselves responsible. Things could have been different had we but known better, been more conscious, understood more psychology."-Psychology and Religion

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My favorite John Maxwell Quotations

"Many people go far in life because someone else thought they could."

"If we are growing we are always going to be outside our comfort zone."

“Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”

“To Stay Focused in Life:
You can't know everyone
You can't do everything
You can't go everywhere
We have to pick and choose between good and a little bit better.” 

“Most People have a desire to look for the exception instead of the desire to become exceptional. ”

“You cannot overestimate the unimportance of practically everything.” 

"Do not take the agenda that someone else has mapped out for your life."

Good Quotations 1

"Don't be afraid to give up the good for the great." - Kenny Rogers

"If Fate should say, "Thy course is run,"
 It would not make me sad;
 All that I wished to do is done,
 All that I would have, had."

"There is magic in new beginnings."

"First say to yourself what you would be, then do what you have to do." -Epictetus

"I'm not telling you it is going to be easy- I'm telling you it's going to be worth it." -Art Williams

"Kindness is just about the best you can do."

"You can't stay mad at someone who makes you laugh." -Jay Leno